Monday 21 May 2018


There's certainly no shortage of blogs on the Internet. So while finding them may have been a challenge five (or maybe 10) years ago, now the real work is weeding through all the fluff and false claims to find the ones truly worthy of your limited reading time. We did that for you.

ess blogs that don't disappoint. Follow them for science-backed tips, smart workout plans, and the motivation you need to put both of those things into action.

There's certainly no shortage of blogs on the Internet. So while finding them may have been a challenge five (or maybe 10) years ago, now the real work is weeding through all the fluff and false claims to find the ones truly worthy of your limited reading time. We did that for you.
Below, you'll find 16 fitness blogs that don't disappoint. Follow them for science-backed tips, smart workout plans, and the motivation you need to put both of those things into action.

This press release passed my desk recently and I just had to share. I met Silvie Bordeaux several years at a pet bloggers conference.  She was sopassionate about her invention and I just knew it would be warmly welcomed by the pet world.  And judging by its HUGE success, I wasn't wrong.  Congratulations, Sylvie!


How Do You Protect a Blind Dog From Bumping Into Things?

Muffin’s Halo Is An Innovative Device That Protects Blind Dogs From Bumping Into Walls And Hard Surfaces This press release passed my des...